Q: SOUL-CIAL 的Cult Strap是否能搭配其他品牌的掛繩貼片使用?A: SOUL-CIAL 的手機掛繩能搭配市面上絕大部分掛繩貼片,不過因市面上的廠牌眾多、各廠牌設計及厚度不同,仍需以實際安裝結果為主。這個答案有幫助嗎?是否0 人之中有 0 人覺得有幫助相關問題How does the NFC feature on the phone strap enhance networking?What is the unique feature of SOUL-CIAL NFC phone cases?Can the NFC phone cases withstand daily wear and tear?How do I set up the NFC functionality on my SOUL-CIAL phone case?Is the NFC feature secure for exchanging personal information?返回所有文章